Comunque piu' che quick drive si potrebbe chiedere a Kim Olesen di realizzare I suoi scenari REAL DRIVE. Per chi non lo sapesse ecco cosa ha scritto due settima fa sul gruppo TrainSim Italia su Facebook:
<<Hi there TS2018 enthusiasts. Today we have the pleasure of launching a new type of scenario called REAL DRIVES.
Imagine a standard/carreer scenario that CHANGES everytime you play it! But with the choices of a quick drive.
In short, it is a scenario type where you are in quick drive mode but you will have red lights on your way. And everytime you play the scenario the red aspects will be in different points on the route. Sometimes there will be many, sometimes there will be few, but you will never know where they are. Just like a real traindriver never really knows when he will have to stop at a red light. But don’t worry; You will ofcourse be warned by proper distant signalling. So it is a scenario that is different every time you play it! Read the full description below the download links.
One word of importance. There is a little manual for each route. Read it!
We start with REAL DRIVES for the München Rosenheim and Hamburg Lübeck routes.
Downloadlinks are found below the description.
A Real drive is a scenario that changes every time you play it.
You can get them here
REAL DRIVES for München Rosenheim
REAL DRIVE for Lübeck Hamburg
or here
REAL DRIVES for München Rosenheim DRIVE for Lübeck Hamburg and news about forthcoming releases:
https://www.trainsimulatorREALDRIVES/ DRIVES.
Random Everchanging Active Line Drives. What are they? They are quick drives that are alive and ever changing. These quick drives are populated with random generated trains in all directions, meaning both in your direction and the opposite. That means that you never know when you will run into a red light because of the line ahead of you being busy. When the signal block in front of you has been vacated or the train that blocked the line has been led to a siding you will be given a green light. Just like no two drives in the life of a train driver are exactly the same, no two drives in A REAL DRIVE scenario are the same. You can play the same scenario over and over and it will be different each time. The railway comes alive and you are interacting with it. And unlike standard scenarios you can choose what train you want to drive, weather, time of day and season.
Known issues: Over the years the TS code has become a bit “fragile”. During testing we found that sometimes certain player train consists will trigger random error messages. Unfortunately we have not determined the cause of this and furthermore it seems to be different trains on different setups, which means that it is not the scenario itself but rather the code of TS that throws a fit. Clearing the cache and choosing a different locomotive/consist usually makes this error go away.
We had one instance (out of many many testdrives) where an AI train refused to move. It was not a bug that could be recreated so until further on it’s considered a freak accident.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Read the manual that is included in the .rar file that the REAL DRIVES come in. It contains important route specific info about minor issues that you need to know.
Use the Utilities app to install REAL DRIVES. See the “How To Install manual”. You can find the app in the Railworks folder.
FAQ: Some quick drives do have a bit of AI traffic, are REAL DRIVES any different?
A: AI traffic in Quick Drives and REAL DRIVES is very different.
FAQ: I had a drive where i had green lights all the way. Is that supposed to happen?
A: Yes that can happen but it is pretty rare.